下妻萌(しもつまもえ) Moe Shimotsuma, joined the team in 2013
リサーチテーマ: 緑肥(ヘアリーベッチ)を用いた窒素循環の活性化
Research theme: Activation of nitrogen cycle using green manure (hairy vetch)
千葉茜(ちばあかね) Akane Chiba, joined the team in 2014
リサーチテーマ: 土壌中遺伝子等を用いた微生物活性や分解能の解析
Research theme: Analyses of decomposition potentials and microbial activities using genes in soils
茂木宏仁(もぎひろさと) Hirosato Mogi, joined the team in 2014リサーチテーマ: 草地と窒素循環―放牧や有機肥料散布の影響について―
Research theme: Grasslands and nitrogen dynamics - the effects of grazing management and application of organic fertilizer -
戸田実里(とだみさと) Misato Toda, joined the team in 2014リサーチテーマ: 緑肥と慣行栽培の微生物群衆構造的違い
Research theme: The use of green manures and soil microbial community structures - comparison with conventional systems
好井優衣(よしいゆい) Yui Yoshii, joined the team in 2015
リサーチテーマ: 重金属汚染土壌の回復
Research theme: Recovery and remediation of heavy-metal contaminated soils
岡碧幸(おかみゆき) Miyuki Oka, joined the team in 2016
リサーチテーマ: 安定同位体を用いた重金属汚染土壌における窒素循環の評価
Research theme: Evaluation of nitrogen cycle in heavy metal contaminated soil using stable isotope
前田裕斗(まえだゆうと) Yuto Maeda, joined the team in 2016リサーチテーマ: 鉛による土壌汚染の微生物的影響の評価
Research theme: Evaluation of the impact of lead contamination on soil microbes
伊藤月乃(いとうつきの) Tsukino Ito, joined the team in 2017
リサーチテーマ: 炭素が土壌中の窒素の有機化、無機化に与える影響
Research theme: The effects of carbon on soil nitrogen immobilization and mineralization
D3 : 濱本亨(はまもととおる) Toru Hamamoto, joined the team in 2013リサーチテーマ: 放牧地における物質循環と環境負荷低減型農業について
Research theme: Environmental impacts of pastoral farming and nutrient cycles
Sustainable agricultural systems in Zambia
B4 : 王驥(わんじー) Ji Wang, joined the team in 2018
リサーチテーマ: 重金属汚染土壌とキクイモの生育
Research theme: Effect of heavy metals on Helianthus tuberosus
M2 : 由田康人(よしだやすと) Yasuto Yoshida, joined the team in 2018
リサーチテーマ: 人口衛星画像を用いたアフリカ・ザンビア土壌汚染の評価
Research theme: Evaluation of soil contamination in Africa, Zambia using satellite images
M2 : 明里舞子(あかりまいこ)Maiko Akari, joined the team in 2019
リサーチテーマ: じゃがいも栽培系土壌微生物が消化液施用から受ける影響
Research theme: The effect of anaerobic digestate on soil microbiome in potato fields
M2 : 坪井里奈(つぼいりな)Rina Tsuboi, joined the team in 2019
リサーチテーマ: 消化液の利用と草地からの栄養素流亡
Research theme: Nutrient loss from pastoral systems with the use of anaerobic digestate
M2 : 元木樹里(もときじゅり)Juri Motoki, joined the team in 2019
リサーチテーマ: 複雑な大規模酪農体系の窒素循環評価
Research theme: Evaluation of N cycle within intensive dairy systems
B4 : 森涼美(もりすずみ) Suzumi Mori, joined the team in 2018
リサーチテーマ: アフリカの土の劣化速度はなぜ場所によって違うのか~微生物性から観た考察~
Research theme: The mechanisms behind different degradation rates of sub-Saharan African soils - in relation to soil microbes -
チンタ ユフィタ Chinta Yufita, joined the team in 2018
リサーチテーマ: 緑肥と窒素循環に関わる微生物
Research theme: Green manures and nitrogen cycle related microbes
長根美和子(ながねみわこ)Miwako Nagane, joined the team in 2018
リサーチテーマ: 森林の窒素循環
Research theme: Nitrogen cycle in forest ecosystems
Research Fellow : 岡 碧幸(おかみゆき) Miyuki Oka, rejoined the team in 2021
リサーチテーマ: 家畜糞尿由来液肥などの利用法適正化と環境負荷低減
Research theme: The optimization of the use of livestock waste and the mitigation of the related environmental risks
M2 : 斉藤杏奈(さいとうあんな) Anna Saito, joined the team in 2017
リサーチテーマ: 土壌中カビ・バクテリアはどのように、どの程度の効率で栄養素を自らの体(バイオマス)にするのか
Research theme: The efficiencies and mechanisms behind the formation of fungal and bacterial biomass in soils
Postdoc : イボン マデグワ Yvonne Madegwa, joined the team in 2018
リサーチテーマ: 家畜糞尿消化液の利用と土壌微生物
Research theme: The use of anaerobic digestate from animal wastes and its impacts on soil microbiome
Postdoc : イカボンゴ ムクンブタ Ikabongo Mukumbuta, joined the team in 2018
リサーチテーマ: アフリカの土壌汚染、土壌からの温暖化ガス排出
Research theme: Soil contamination in Africa, greenhouse gas emissions from soils
Postdoc : ジョンソン オラブナム Johnson Oraegbunam, joined the team in 2017
リサーチテーマ: 土壌への炭施用と炭素循環
Research theme: Placement of charcoal into soils and its impact on C cycle
M2: 高橋玄(たかはしげん)Gen Takahashi, joined the team in 2019
リサーチテーマ: ミミズと団粒形成・微生物コミュニティの関係評価
Research theme: Evaluation of aggregate formation through microbial and earthworm activities
M2: 木山瑠夏(きやまるか)Ruka Kiyama, joined the team in 2019
リサーチテーマ: 北海道の草地生産性を衛星画像を用いて予測する
Research theme: Prediction of pasture productivity using satellite images
M2: 西峰宙希(にしみねひろき)Hiroki Nishimine, joined the team in 2021
リサーチテーマ: 放牧地における家畜ふん分解速度を画像処理から判別できるか
Research theme: Quantification of dung decomposition rates based on image-processing of grazed pastura lands
D3 : 木村有歌理(きむらあかり)Akari Kimura, joined the team in 2018
リサーチテーマ: 貧栄養土壌における混作と窒素循環
Research theme: Co-planting and nitrogen cycle in low fertility soils
D3 : 大東孝充(おおひがしたかみつ)Takamitsu Ohigashi, joined the team in 2019
リサーチテーマ: アフリカ土壌微生物コミュニティの変化~自然生態系の農業利用
Research theme: Changes in soil microbiome in sub-Saharan Africa ~ their relationship with the development of natural ecosystems
M2: 山本皓正(やまもとてるまさ)Terumasa Yamamoto, joined the team in 2020
リサーチテーマ: 微生物叢循環ー酪農生態系の異なるハビタットにおける微生物叢同士の相互作用
Research theme: Microbiome cycling ~ interactions among microbiomes in different habitats in dairy ecosystems
M2: 石毛奈央(いしげなお)Nao Ishige, joined the team in 2020
リサーチテーマ: 土壌微生物叢の多様性は栄養素循環機能の環境変動への適応力と関連しているのか?
Research theme: Is the diversity of soil microbiome associated with the adaptability of nutrient cycles to environmental changes?
M2: 平田悠(ひらたゆう)Yu Hirata, joined the team in 2022
リサーチテーマ: ザンビア・カリバ湖における富栄養化や水草過繁茂評価
Research theme: Evaluation of eutrophication and excess growth of aquatic plants in Kariba lake, Zambia
Postdoc : 龍見 史恵(たつみちかえ)Chikae Tatsumi, joined the team in 2020
リサーチテーマ: 重金属汚染地帯の微生物生態や機能
Research theme: Microbial ecology and functions in heavy metal contaminated soils
M1: 佐藤春佳(さとうはるか)Haruka Sato, joined the team in 2022
リサーチテーマ: 一酪農地域における戸別の窒素収支評価とその制御要因の解明
Research theme: Investigation of factors controlling the nitrogen balance of dairy farm based on the comparisons of farms within a region