

Here, we are introducing our research projects. We try to put an easy title on each project, and to communicate well about each project for people without any scientific background.

Regeneration of Healthy Soil for Future

Healthy Soil Project


We are studying "regenerative agriculture", a new agricultural method to produce our food without deteriorating the earth and with the concept of regenerating the earth!

詳しくはこちら More details are here.

KAbwe Mine Pollution Amelioration Initiative

KAMPAI Project


We are investigating the mechanisms behind heavy metal contaminations in soils and water, and aiming to develop methods to assess the risks and to mitigate the issues, in Kabwe city, Zambia.

詳しくはこちら More details are here.

Assessing the Lake Kariba Catchment Environment for Sustainable Water, Energy, Livelihoods and eCOsysteM hEalth



In Kariba catchment area in Zambia, we are investigating the sustainable use of water for energy, people's livelihoods, as well as for diverse ecosystems.

詳しくはこちら More details are here.

Cow Microbiome Cycling

CoMic Project


We are studying the relationship between soil and cow's gut microbiomes. How does the health of cow relate to the health of soils? How do microbiomes contribute to the efficient use of fertilizers and composts? We are hoping to answer these questions.


Farm Nutrient Balance

FaNBa Project


We aim to balance nutrient cycles within a farm. Based on a collaboration with dairy farmers, we study how to efficiently produce milk without risking the environment. A cake company supports us so we can link the consumers through the products, giving them choices to buy environmentally-friendly products.
