卒業研究発表会【Student Seminars】

投稿日: 2015/01/29 2:18:25

昨日、内田研初の卒業研究発表会が行われました。初というのは、内田研は約2年前に始まって、その半年後くらいに研究室に配属された3年生が、この春この研究室から初めて卒業するからです。実は全員修士課程に進学することになっているので、卒業と言ってもお別れではないのですが、とにかく卒業研究を発表するところまで持っていけたのは我ながら偉い偉い、と思ってしまいます。 以前もブログで書きましたが、私たちはいつも小さなグループで研究をしているので、こういった発表会には外の学生や先生になるべく来ていただくように努力しています。今回も、他の研究室から、他の学部からも学生や先生たちが来てくれました。このようなサポートが得られるのは本当にうれしいことです。このブログを借りて感謝したいと思います。



We had our student seminars yesterday, for the first time. I said "first time" because the students presented based on their graduate research and they are my first group of students who are going to graduate upcoming spring. They are actually enrolling their masters degrees so it is not "good-bye" seminars for us but at least they finished their "undergraduate" experiments anyway.

As I mentioned in this blog before, we are such a small group thus we try to invite many other students/staffs from outside of our lab when we have seminars. This time, students from other laboratories and staffs from other faculties kindly attended our seminars. I really appreciate for their support for my students. Thank you.

Three 4th year students presented their results, importantly, in English. Well they practiced really hard over the last few days thus they did good jobs. An American scientist who attended the seminars told us that their English was good so at least their English was understood by a native speaker.

By the way, I really get nervous when my students do presentations in front of others, although I normally do not get nervous when I am presenting something. After the seminars, I was so tired and even today I do not feel 100%. Well, I am very happy for my students.