ザンビアプロジェクトのこれから【Project in Zambia - from now】

投稿日: 2018/02/02 7:15:12


ザンビアでのプロジェクトも、だんだんと勝手がわかってきて、出来そうなこととそうでないことを分けて、しっかりと実現させていこう、という感じになってきました。私たちはアフリカ・ザンビアの鉛汚染地域の修復に向けたプロジェクトをやっています(リンク)。なかなか大変なプロジェクトで、ずっとどうしようかどうしようか、と悩みながら数年経っているような状態です。 でも去年の末頃から、現地に学生やポスドク(若い博士)を投入し、いろいろと動いてもらうことが出来るようになってきました。私たちが目指すのは、まずは土の生成、そして植物の再生です。写真のように、鉛汚染地帯は草が生えない場所も多いです。これには、単に汚染の問題だけではなく、乾季が長いザンビアの気候や、水はけが良すぎる/悪すぎるザンビアの土壌物理的な特徴も関係しているのです。


February already. My students have just submitted their master theses today. I feel wonderful.

Our project in Zambia has been progressing well. We started identifying what we can and cannot do on site, which is a very important thing when we run a project in Africa. As I noted before, we are running a project to mitigate heavy metal contamination issues in Zambia (Link). It is not an easy project and it sometimes stresses me out but is a rewarding project.

We managed to place a student and a postdoc on site and they are working so hard to progress things. We aim to form good soils on site, to recover plant ecosystems there. As the picture speaks itself, recovering plants on contaminated sites is not an easy task. In my opinion, it is not just heavy metals but we have to consider extensive drying season, water permeability in soils and so on.

We should understand the soils better. We should research about local plant communities. Then, we have to design the new natural ecosystems there. I will do my best to make the situation better. I hope to get some help from new students who I expect to host from April.