引っ越しその後【Shifting the lab - after a while】

投稿日: 2015/06/19 13:04:15

引っ越し前の写真、他に使う予定もないのでここで使います。シールがすべての物品に張られているのは、差し押さえられているのではなくて、これは新しい部屋でも使いますよ、というシールです。ほぼ全部ですね。私の部屋の物は、お金があんまり無い研究室らしいというか、とにかく拾い物とかもらいものばかりなんですが、意外と愛着がわいてしまい、新しいところに遠慮なく持っていっています。ボロイですけど。 新しい研究室は、まだ慣れない部分やちょっとした問題はありますが(例えば、電源の位置が変だったり)、基本的には部屋が広くなっていろいろやりやすくなりました。ぜひ遊びに来て下さい。案内します。



The photo was taken at the last day in the old laboratory. I put it here because there is nowhere else to use. The signs on the every equipment here meant that we were going to use them at the new laboratory. Well, we shifted most of the equipment since we liked them though most of them were basically given by someone. We could not afford to buy these when we started our laboratory.

The new laboratory is very comfortable despite some small issues (e.g. power supplies are located at a funny place). Come and visit us if you want to look around the building.

I hope my students are going to put more efforts into cleaning the laboratory and organize everything happening in the laboratory. Since now we share many of our equipment with students from other laboratory.

Students have to think on their own and act based on the thoughts. Also, I hope they get along with different types of people by being humble to each other. I hope students will learn these through the establishment of this new laboratory.