新しいチャレンジ【New challenges】

投稿日: 2018/11/08 9:39:14




Hokkaido is getting colder and colder. Beautiful yellow leaves of gingko trees are almost finishing off. Our team has been busy preparing data for upcoming conferences in winter and spring. New third years and an intern student joined the team, so a lot happening these days.

I went to Germany recently and visited a few Universities and institutes. I communicated with teams studying wine and biodiversity, and photosynthesising microbes. These visits will be a start for new collaborations. I often travel overseas for conferences but often visit nearby research institutes and Universities in which I am interested. Because then I can talk to great researchers face-to-face. The visit to Germany was fruitful regarding the opportunities for new collaboration.

Also, I am pleased to announce that we will start a new project with Germany, U.S.A., Kenya, Malawi and Zambia (and a few Japanese research institutes). I have been researching the improvement of soils in sub-Saharan Africa for the last few years, so I am looking forward to organising this great project.