新渡戸スクール&合同ゼミ 【Nitobe School & Combined Lab Seminars】

投稿日: 2015/10/19 14:34:52

北海道の短い秋がどんどん過ぎています。もうすぐ雪が降って、長い冬が来るのは、毎年のことですが、ちょっと楽しみだけど少し切なかったりします。実は私のところの学生が一人留学してしまって、学生部屋に行くたびにからっぽの机を見て少し寂しくなります。そんな秋ですが、どんどん過ぎていくのはたぶん単純に忙しいからということもあるでしょう。今学期から新渡戸スクールという新たな大学院で教えています。まだ始まったばかりで感想を考えている場合じゃないですが、初めての取り組みということで、学生もやや混乱しながら、教える方はもっとワタワタしながらがんばっているような学院です。 でも、そんな中でも、私の授業ではいろんな人が協力してくれています。この授業は「問題解決型」という名前がついていて、グローバルな問題やローカルな問題、その背景となっている様々な要因とか、いろんなことを深く深く考えて欲しかったので、どうしても他の教員の助けが必要だったのです。学生も私の決してよく計画されているとは言えない授業(汗)によくついてきてくれています。ありがたいありがたい。


Autumn season is flying here at Hokkaido and snow will be falling in a minute. This is every year thing and am rather looking forward to this season but it is also a sentimental season. Actually one of my students left here to study overseas for a year so am missing her as well. At the same time, time flies simply because I am pretty busy, as usual. I have been teaching at a new graduate school called the Nitobe school for the last few weeks. It has just been started and I have to say that both students and staffs are rather confused on everything. Well, but I would like to thank many staffs who help me running the course because the subject that I teach at the Nitobe school has to be taught as "problem-solving" style and I really needed helps from other staffs to teach my students both "global" and "local" issues/problems. Students are pretty enthusiastic and catching up well to my messy lectures... Thanks...

Also, today, I and my students joined a seminar organized by another professor, which can be a bit unusual in this faculty. I would like to thank Prof. Hashidoko and his team. There was a professor invited from overseas and he gave us a nice talk too. I am proud of my students joining the discussion. I have not really well prepared but I gave a small talk too. The photo showing Misato presenting her preliminary results. Well done.