温室効果ガス・レーザー測定【Measurements of greenhouse gas by lasers】

投稿日: 2015/11/21 7:58:10

北海道はすっかり寒くなってしまいました。私は基本的に自分の部屋のドアを開けっ放しにしているのですが(学生がいつでも遊びに来れるように)、寒い寒い。閉めればいいじゃないかと言われそうですが、まあこれも一つのこだわりなんです。自分の先生がそうだったからね、、、。 ところで、最近始めたのは、新しい機械の調整です。新しい機械と言っても本当に本当に新しくて、温室効果ガスの「安定同位体比」と「濃度」を同時に測定できる機械です。しかも、二種類のガス、二酸化炭素と亜酸化窒素を測るために二台のレーザーを今調整しています。難しい話をして申し訳ないですが、温室効果ガスを出しているのは「誰?」ということを知るためには、濃度だけではなくて、この「安定同位体比」を測ることが重要なんです。



It has been very cold these days here at Hokkaido. I normally leave my office door open, so students can come in and out whenever they like, thus it is very cold in my room. Well, I can shut it for now but I guess it is something I strongly desire to do because I remember my supervisor was doing the same thing.

By the way, I have been starting up a couple of new machines. I mean, really new. The machines can measure stable isotope ratio and concentrations of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. I do not mean to go too scientific here but the understanding of stable isotopes of greenhouse gases is very important to know "who" emit these gases.

"Starting-up" machines is different from conducting an experiment. An experiment can be conducted only when the results from machines are accurate. Thus, we first start-up the machines to make sure they measure whatever their targets are, accurately. It is often not easy because many scientists use very unique and rare machines. I am guessing one of my machines is probably only one in the world so I can not simply ask somebody "how to use" this machine.

Of course I am getting a lot of helps from people who sold us the machine but well, it is scientists' responsibility to test the accuracy of the machine. Well, so far so good I guess and I am happy to have this machine in my laboratory.