Studying in overseas [海外で勉強するということ]

投稿日: 2013/06/14 4:06:48

What I felt since I started working for a Japanese University was that everyone, I mean students and lecturers, is trying to be ‘international’. I think it is really good but at the same time, they are struggling to come up with concrete ideas to be ‘international’. For example, when a student wants to do a part of her/his course in overseas there are so many issues to be solved. Who pays the fee for which University? How can they get a short-term student visa? What was the English requirement to get into an oversea University for a short-term? Additionally, in Japan, first semester starts in April, which does not really fit in to any other Universities overseas. Thus when Japanese student want to go overseas to study for, for example, a semester, things do not fit in well with oversea Universities. Also, it takes more efforts to teach non-English speaking students for an oversea University and short-term students normally leave the country within a year or so thus nothing left for the host Universities in overseas. So why would the oversea Universities accept Japanese students, unless they love Japan so much. We have to create a win-win situation here. One thing we (Japanese Universities) really have to work on is to increase English courses with high quality. It will recruit some English speaking students to Japan and these students will recruit more and more students.

However, easy to say hard to do because even now I teach in English, however, I have to lower the quality of the education because Japanese students cannot catch up when I teach in English. This is the reality. Well, it takes maybe years and years for the true internationalization to come to Japanese Universities but I am very positive about changing this situation though slowly.



