リオデジャネイロ【Rio de Janeiro】

投稿日: 2018/08/25 2:07:25

リオに行っていました。世界土壌会議が開催されたためです。私は幼いころブラジルで生活していた時期があるため、思い出深い国です。ポルトガル語を思い出しながら非常に楽しめた一週間くらいでした。科学者たちの会議、「学会」は、他の研究者の話を聞いたり、交流したりするための非常に有意義な場所です。新しい機械や分析技術、研究分野のトレンドなどについても知ることが出来ます。 私が学会に来るときには必ず「新しいお友達」を作ることを目標にしています。今回も様々な研究者とのコネクションを作ることが出来ました。オランダの著名な微生物学者とランチをしたり、ブラジル人の教授たちと今後コラボレーションをするための分野を打ち合わせしたり、ニジェールやコートジボワールといった、新たなアフリカ諸国の研究に向けた道筋を見つけることも出来ました。早速彼らからいろいろメールが来ていて、これからの発展に期待できそうです。


I have been to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the World Congress of Soil Science. I used to live in Brazil when I was a kid. Thus, I have a lot of memories here. I enjoyed the visit and remembered my Portuguese a little bit. A conference, meeting for the scientists, is a place for us to listen to talks and associate each other. We can learn a lot about new machines and analytical progress as well.

My goal at any conference is to make new friends. This time, I made a lot of new connections. I had a lunch with a well-known soil microbiologist based in Netherland. I also had a good meeting with Brazilian professors and met new African scientists from Niger and Ivory Coast. I have already received many emails from them. I am looking forward to collaborating with them.

My students who came along with me also had a similar goal. One of them had been telling me that her English is not good enough and she did not know what to talk but I think she did very well. I was impressed by her oral presentation at one of the biggest rooms at the conference. She will be one of the first graduates of the new "English only" graduate school which I was transferred a few years ago. I hope that I can educate a lot of students who can a world-renowned person, although a lot to do yet!