農家さんへの訪問【A visit to a dairy farm】

投稿日: 2015/03/01 12:48:24




I have not written any article for a while so there are plenty of things that I want to write here. I will do so one by one. One of the main themes of our research is to do something which directly benefit farmers. Thus, we often go out to interview farmers. For me and for my students, visits to farms are crucial to conduct our research.

As an agricultural scientist, I want to make the agricultural systems better. I try to remind this to myself every now and then.

This time, I visited a dairy farm with my students. Surprisingly, agricultural students at our University have few chances to directly talk with local farmers. When I was a student, I had so many chances to visit different types of farms so I really want to include more and more farm visits to our education systems for here at Hokkaido University.