年の瀬です【The end of the year】

投稿日: 2016/12/31 11:21:32

2016年も今日で終わりです。今年もいろいろな人に助けてもらって、悔いなく過ごすことが出来ました。もちろんもっとああすればよかったこうすればよかったということはあるといえばあるのですが、それは悔いが無いというよりは、ベストを尽くした上で見えてきたもの、というか、前向きな感じです。そして、学生に深く感謝です。学生が居ないと何も出来ないですから、私は。 今年は、年始からザンビアに行き、タンザニアに行き、暖かくなってきてからは北海道中を走り回りました。沢山の農家さんに出会い、いろいろな調査をしました。加えて山や川を調査し、大気から草から土まで調べまくった一年でした。オーストラリアの国際会議では、学生が初めて英語で海外で発表しました。ちょっと突っ込まれていたりしましたが、私としてはとても立派だったと思います。日本で生まれて育って、大学生ではなかなか国際学会で発表するまでにいかないでしょう。





Year 2016 is ending now. Thanks to many helps from my friends and colleagues, I have no regrets at all, by looking back things that I have done this year. Well, I do have a few things that I should have done this year but I consider them with a positive feeling because these are the things I realized because I did my absolute best this year. I am especially thanks to my students. Without them, I am useless.

This year started with a trip to Zambia, then to Tanzania. We ran around Hokkaido after the climate got warmer, meeting many farmers. In addition to some farm research, we studied mountains and rivers, from atmosphere to plants and soils. At the conference in Australia, my students have done oral presentations, for the first time at an international conference. Well, they struggled to answer some of the questions but I am really proud of them. Growing up in Japan, not many students could present orally at an international conference when they are University students.

A few projects have started this year, including the lead contamination project in Zambia and the research project of ecosystems at Bekanbeushi-river, Hokkaido. I am also expecting the commencements of a few more project in upcoming year. By the way, I created a draft webpage for "Collaboration & Projects". I put it on here to pressure myself to update it regularly.

My priority for the next year to write papers. I love writing and I do have a lot of data but unfortunately I need to spend more time on just sitting down, thinking and pondering my English sentence structures and stories behind each experiment. I think I should hide myself in a quiet cafe maybe but another priority is my first bunch of students, who became my team at their 3rd years of bachelors. They are now at the 2nd year of their master's and I have to support them, when they think about their future. My 2nd set of students are now 1st year of their master's and yes I am sure I spend a lot of time with them to support their futures. Always students first.

Sometimes, unexpectedly, I have received some positive comments about this blog. I am greatly thankful for anyone reading this. Please give continuous support for my team. We will try our best to make agriculture in Hokkaido and in the world better and better.

Have a good year everyone.