My experimental tools [実験道具]

投稿日: 2013/05/06 7:46:34

I consider myself as a field-scientist but before I actually conduct a large scale experiment out in a field, I often conduct small pot experiments. Why? Because normally for a large scale field experiment, there is normally one or two chances to do experiments within a year. Field experiments are risky thus not many scientists are trying these. For example, things like typhoons can completely destroy our field experiments. There are a lot of unexpected things happen in fields. However, field experiments are probably the most important when compared to any other types of experiments in the area of agricultural science. For example, we may want to develop a new fertilizer, we can test so many times using small pots or within laboratory scales but we do have to test out in fields before we actually sell it to farmers.

Well, by saying that, pot scale experiments are also important and tell us a lot about the things happening in soils. I use a lot of things which you can buy in normal shops to do experiments. Please see the picture. I use these to examine soils. I am planning to use these to quantify the environmental problems caused by the heavy use of fertilizer.


