牧草の話【Talking about pasture】

投稿日: 2020/07/30 8:27:43





The summer in Hokkaido is very short but we managed to start some field research and surveys, talking with people in farming communities. Hokkaido has an image of pasture and cows and the pasture grows very fast over the spring period. We missed the opportunity to study that period, however, we are not giving up yet. Growing high quality pasture is not an easy task but it is essential to achieve the "healthy" livestock production systems (regarding finance, environment and animal welfare).

Monitoring the cost efficiency and labour hours for human are also other factors. It is a very complicated story.

I have been studying all over Hokkaido area, but everytime I visit a research site, I learn new things. I can clearly see my goals, to establish ideal nutrient cyclings in this island, but the steps to achieve this goal are still mistery.

Younger generations, who do not know the development era of Hokkaido, are taking over the livestock farming industries now. The older generations, who cut open the forests to make them pasture, have great experiences that are very precious for the young ones. I realized that I may be able to help to pass these experiences onto the next generations, by collecting important data regarding the livestock industries in this island. These are some of the things I had been discussing with a farmer a few days ago.