これからの国々【Countries with great future】

投稿日: 2019/01/27 13:10:54

授業やその他もろもろの隙間を見てザンビアへ行ってきました。例の重金属汚染のプロジェクト関係です。今回もいろいろな調査やミーティング、その他雑用などいろいろ行ってきました。そのうちの一つの調査のテーマは、土地利用の変化を捉えることです。 重金属汚染と直接関連するかどうかはまだわかっていないのですが、この地域の人工衛星データを過去25年くらいさかのぼって集めて解析してみると、地表面の緑色が大きく変化していることがわかります。森林伐採や湿地の開発、洪水、街が大きくなった、大規模な農場が出来た等々いろいろな理由が考えられます。



Recently, we have been to Zambia despite my busy schedule due to lectures and other duties in Japan. This trip was based on the project regarding heavy metal contaminations. In Zambia, we have done a lot of field studies and conducted a few important meetings. One of the goals for the field studies was to grasp the changes in the land-use in this area.

It is uncertain whether the changes in the land-use are related to the contamination of the land. However, our analyses of the satellite images over the last 25 years suggest that "greenness" of the earth surface has been rapidly changing in this area. The change can be related to activities such as deforestation, the development of wetlands, floods, the expansion of cities etc.

In the end, we had to come here to confirm our findings based on the satellite images. We were on a 4WD and drove everywhere and walked further where the 4WD could not access.

We are still summarising the data, but we found that this area is rapidly being developed. Forests are often cultivated into maize farms. At the same time, we saw huge wetlands expanding toward the horizon. Deep forests are also still present. We want to contribute to the sustainable development of Africa by further analysing the data.