ドイツへ【To Germany】

投稿日: 2015/10/18 13:13:18

もう一週間も前になってしまいますが、ドイツへ行っていました。なぜかはわかりませんが、私はドイツの人と自然と親しくなることが多く、初めて学会でヨーロッパ(スイス)へ行ったときもドイツ人達と論文を書くことになって、その後も親交が続いていたり、つくばのポスドク時代になぜかいろいろあって私が指導することになった留学生もドイツ人だったりします。 ドイツは、ベルリンやミュンヘンなどはやっぱり大都会で、車も人も多いのですが、ちょっと郊外へ出ると非常にのんびりしています。そういう静かでのんびりしたところがドイツの好きなところです。


It has been a week already but I have been to Germany. For some reasons, I have strangely well connected to Germany, writing papers with German scientists, as well as supervised a German exchange student, a few years ago when I was a postdoc scientist.

Big cities in Germany are actually very noisy, full of traffic and people however, suburbs are very quiet and beautiful and this is why I like Germany.

The reason for this particular visit was to strengthen the connection between Universities. Particularly, I am interested in the collaboration in the area of microbiology so I took my student, who has a lot of skills and knowledge on microbiology. Well, research institutes in Germany are very impressive, in terms of the quality of scientists and the efficiency of their research activities. I am sure it was such a good experience for my student to experience this kind of atmosphere.