春と農業の現場【Spring and agricultural fields】

投稿日: 2018/05/21 12:36:14

北海道の農場にもようやく春が来た、という感じになってきました。本州から比べると一足遅いですが、畑地の作物は一斉に芽を出しているし、草地の牧草はぐんぐん成長してきています。それと同時に私たちも忙しくなってきます。前にも書いていますが、農業は「現場」で起こっているんだ!と言うのは簡単ですが、この「現場」に役立つ科学を研究するのはとても大変です。正直なところ、現場とはかけ離れたことばかりやっている研究者が多いのが現状です。 なぜか、という理由はいろいろあるのですが、一つは研究者のコミュニケーションの無さだと考えています。これから現場に役立つかもしれない研究をしていても、それを実際農場でテストしてみる、となると、農家さんにお願いしなければいけませんよね。ということは常日ごろから農家さんとコミュニケーションを取っていなければいけません。そうすれば、いざ、というときにお願い出来ます。この新しい肥料、ためしてみて、とか、新しい種をまいてみて、というようにです。研究者である我々は、なかなかこういう風に現場で働いている人にお願いする、ということが出来ません。そうならないようにするために、私は学生と一緒に毎年様々な農家が集まる勉強会や会議に参加しています。講演をお願いされることもありますし、ただ聞くだけだったらお手伝いするだけだったりすることもありますが、ここで作った農家さんとのコネクションは非常に役立ちます。


Spring has arrived in the agricultural fields in Hokkaido. The timing is a bit late compared to Honshu island but we see buds germinating in many fields. The grass is growing vigorously too. I have written this before but we want to do good research directly applicable to these fields but often it is very difficult and many scientists are doing things nothing to do with agricultural fields.

There are many reasons but one of them is the lack of communication skills of scientists. Many scientists may have some "seeds" which can be really useful for the fields. However, if they want to test those in fields, scientists have to communicate and convince farmers in the field. For example, scientists may ask farmers to test some new seeds or fertilizers in their fields. Many scientists simply do not communicate with farmers like this. I and my students often attend meetings and workshop organized for farmers. I often talk in front of farmers but sometimes we only sit and listen to farmers or simply help them to make sure the meeting goes smoothly. The connections with farmers, developed during these meetings, are very helpful to do field level studies.

Another reason is that field level experiments are hard to control. In a laboratory, we can control the condition of the experiment and we do measurements whenever we feel like doing them. However, at the field level, farmer's decisions, climate and our capacity (physical) control and unexpectedly modify our measurement plans. Thus, many scientists are reluctant to do this type of experiment. Students and young professors are particularly so because they often achieve something significant in a short time. In this case, scientists need to answer this philosophical question; do we want to do something really good for farmers by taking a big risk? I always say YES to this question and I am trying my best to make sure students can comfortably take a risk to do things at the field level.